Tuesday, August 4, 2009

8/3/09 Class Notes

This evening we focused on the X-choke from Knee on Belly and Butterfly Guard.

X-choke from Knee on Belly
Start in Knee on Belly with your right knee on your opponent. Feed your right hand into his near collar by grabbing it first with your left hand and pulling his head up off the mat. This will allow you to slide your right hand deeper into his collar...palm up. Bring your right forearm down onto his chest and create pressure on his sternum with your elbow. His only choice is to turn into you. Once he does, "ninja chop" his top neck with your left hand and grab the fabric over his trapezius muscle close to his neck...palm down. To apply greater pressure for the choke take your knee off his belly and drop your chest down onto his with your head over your top arm.

X-choke from Butterfly Guard
Start in Butterfly Guard with your right hand palm up in his right collar. Take your left foot out from between his knees and place it outside of his right leg. Pull the collar down and to your right as if to snap him down to take his back. When he pulls back to try and right himself push the collar back and to your left to move his head/neck in that direction. At the same time hop your butt over to your right and tuck your left foot back in between his legs. You should now be on his left side, perpendicular to him which gives you a great angle to set up the choke. "Ninja chop" his neck with your left hand and grab the fabric by his trapezius. The ninja chop insures that you are grabbing the fabric as close to the neck as possible. Apply the choke (palm up/palm down). Note: you may not even need to grab the fabric to apply the choke. Simple pressure with your left forearm against his neck and pulling with your right hand may be enough.